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The new apartment owner's application

If you have purchased an apartment or other premises in a building managed by SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks,” please fill out this form.

This information is required:
– For the property manager to contact you regarding important matters related to your building.
– To prepare a management contract, if necessary.

Basic information:

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How would you like to receive the monthly bill?

How would you like to sign the management agreement?

Please attach your proof of property ownership:

At least one of the following documents is required:

  • A copy of the land register certificate
  • A printout from the computerized land register, no older than one month
  • A certificate or statement from the State Land Service confirming property rights for the apartment before the privatization of the residential building
  • A court ruling confirming the auction deed, with a court annotation regarding the date the ruling entered into force
  • A certificate of inheritance
  • A purchase agreement for the apartment concluded between the property owner and the Riga Municipality Residential Building Privatization Commission

If you are filling out the form on behalf of the owner, please attach a power of attorney (general power of attorney or special power of attorney)

* Mandatory information to be filled in

Client Benefits

Industry Specialists
  • Industry Specialists
  • Transparent Financial Accounting
  • Centralized Service Management
  • Digital Services

The team of specialists at SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” ensures the comfort and safety of your home. Our experienced property managers, supervisors, and certified construction engineers provide quality and professional property management for your home.

We take pride in our extensive experience managing all types of apartment buildings – from Art Nouveau gems to Series 602 buildings. Certified engineers in construction, heating systems, electrical systems, and water supply conduct regular inspections and assessments, ensuring the planning, execution, and supervision of necessary repair works.

SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” guarantees a tailored approach for every client and comprehensive support, even in the most challenging technical situations.

Stories from Our Clients

Gribu izteikt pateicību par operatīvi un kvalitatīvi paveikto darbu. Īpašu PALDIES gribētu pateikt santehniķim vārdā Juris, kurš novērsa problēmu, ar ko mocījāmies ilgstoši. Pārsteidza cilvēka degsme acīs un ātri, kā arī kvalitatīvi paveiktais darbs, kas šodien ir retums.

Esam pamanījuši, ka par mums sācis rūpēties ļoti atbildīgs un labs sētnieks, vēlamies pateikt viņam paldies par kārtīgu un rūpīgu darbu!

Paldies SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” Tatjanai, Olgai, ka arī Oskaram par atsaucību un palīdzību dažādu jautājumu risināšanā! Liels prieks, ka SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” strādā tik atsaucīgi, zinoši un profesionāli darbinieki!