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Students Develop an Innovative Solution for Fighting Icicles at the Building Management Hackathon

Koppilde ar hakatona dalībniek 2024-12-19

Riga Technical University (RTU) will collaborate with the largest building management company in the Baltics, “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks,” on research, education, and innovation development. The first collaboration project, the “RNP Coopetition 2024” hackathon, saw the winning student team offer an automated solution to prevent the formation of icicles and clean leaves from gutters.

The multifunctional roof cleaning mechanism, which would operate using sensor data or weather forecasts, addresses two building management challenges at once, says the RTU student team “RoofBot.” As a prize, they received a 3000 EUR cash award.
Second place and a 2000 EUR prize went to the team “Free of Junk.” They proposed replacing paper parking permits with digital ones linked to vehicle license plates. The team suggested integrating digital permits into the existing “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” mobile application, with the collected data being used in the future to organize parking more efficiently in multi-apartment building courtyards.
Meanwhile, the third-place team, “Renovācijai!” advocates for a digital solution to improve energy efficiency in the capital city. Specifically, to motivate homeowners to decide to start building renovations, the team proposes enhancing the functionality of the “E-pārvaldnieks” service portal by allowing residents to compare the energy efficiency of their building with that of similarly renovated homes. This clearly demonstrates the advantages of renovation, the team emphasizes, and won a 1000 EUR prize.

The “RNP Coopetition 2024” hackathon took place from December 4-18. Fourteen teams initially participated, developing innovative and sustainable solutions for multi-apartment building management. In the final, six of the strongest teams presented their solutions to the company and the expert jury.

“Science has a place in our homes to make life more convenient, easier, safer, and smarter! At the hackathon, we were convinced of how powerful, creative, and motivated young professionals are. We also wish to continue building a long-term collaboration with Latvia’s leading technical university, working together on innovations and helping educate new professionals,” says Māris Ozoliņš, Chairman of the Board of “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks.”

RTU Rector Tālis Juhna expresses satisfaction with the company’s interest in involving students and researchers in the development of the economy and the Rīga municipality. Although not all the solutions created at the hackathon are immediately implemented in business or reach the market, they increase the company’s innovation potential, he notes.

“Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” also demonstrated its commitment to promoting research and development by signing a cooperation agreement with RTU. The agreement outlines joint collaboration in preparing theoretical and practical training for engineering specialists, research, enhancing innovative study and work environments, and transferring knowledge and technologies from the university to the business environment.