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Implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures for the apartment building at Brīvības gatve 336, Riga

On 9 January 2021, an agreement was concluded with AS “Attīstības finanšu institūcija ALTUM” on the allocation of EUR 340 052.26 from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures for the apartment building at Brīvības gatve 336, Riga.

The total project cost amounts to EUR 782 534.26, including VAT, and it comprises the construction work, construction supervision, author supervision, project management, and preparation of the technical documentation.

The building was constructed in 1938, initially with three floors. The 4th and 5th floor were added in 1970. During the Stalin’s rule, the building was made of load-bearing masonry walls, timber and reinforced concrete slabs, and a flat roof structure. The existing building has been in use for 81 and 48 years respectively, during which no major repairs have been carried out. Currently, the energy efficiency of the building does not meet the today’s standards, given that the building was constructed in times when heat loss was not considered an important factor as the value of energy was low back then.

Works to be performed within the project:

  • Foundation and base insulation
  • Basement flooring insulation
  • Façade insulation / renovation
  • Replacement of roofing
  • Replacement of windows and doors
  • Cosmetic repairs of stairways
  • Renovation of water supply and sewage system
  • Renovation of the heating system
  • Installation of class C water meters with remote reading
  • Upgrading of the electrical systems leading to the apartments
  • Installation of LED light fittings with motion sensors in the stairways
  • Simplified repairs in the basement

The construction is expected to take place during the construction season of 2022. According to the construction contract concluded on 25 November 2021 with SIA “PRO DDEV”, the construction period is 44 weeks, and the total construction costs amount to EUR 723 538.98, including VAT.

  • Contracting authority – Association of Apartment Owners “Brīvības 336”
  • Designer: SIA “PRO DEV”
  • Contractor: SIA “PRO DEV”
  • Author supervisor: SIA “PRO DEV”
  • Construction supervisor: SIA “PRO DEV”
  • Project manager: SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks”

The energy efficiency improvement measures will provide:

  • Heat energy savings of 79.62 kWh/m2 per year

Greenhouse gas reductions of 44.45 CO2 eq.T/year