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Improvement of energy efficiency with EU support

ALTUM Energy Efficiency Programme for Multi-Apartment Buildings

Since the start of the programme in the spring of 2016, a total of 821 applications for an estimated total of EUR 375 million have been submitted within the framework of the State Support Programme for Energy Efficiency Improvement in Multi-Apartment Buildings across Latvia. Thus, all the funds allocated for grants under the programme have been reserved and as of 11 January 2020 no new applications will be accepted by the Development Finance Institution ALTUM

ALTUM reports that EUR 169 million are available for building renovation until the end of 2023. As of early June 2021, half of the funding has been used and 283 apartment buildings have been insulated, while renovation is ongoing in 60 buildings and work has begun in others.

The project not only provides the opportunity to insulate buildings but also to improve them with the support of EU funds, e.g., to repair or replace facades, windows, doors, staircases, heating, and other units.

The programme offers EU co-funding of up to 50% of the project’s eligible costs and, if necessary, a guarantee of up to 80% of the loan from a credit institution and a loan to implement the project.

The next phase of the programme, i.e., until its conclusion in 2023, will consist in evaluating the submitted projects, awarding the grants, selecting the contractors, including builders, and performing the building renovation. All construction work under the project must be completed by 30 June 2023.

As of 9 June 2021, SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” provides coordination and management of 106 ALTUM projects in various activities, including coordination and management of projects to be implemented by SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” as the authorised person and the coordination and management of projects to be implemented by the community as the authorised person.

ALTUM informative materials:

Information on the benefits of buildings renovated by SIA “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks”: