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In Riga, the renovation of multi-apartment building quarters will be promoted


In order to promote the pace of building renovations and evaluate the possibilities of conducting them in a comprehensive manner by simultaneously renovating unified multi-apartment building quarters, the company “Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks” Ltd (RNP), in collaboration with partners such as the municipal agency “Rīgas Enerģētikas Aģentūra,” Rīga Technical University, and “Renesco” Ltd., has initiated the implementation of the project “RenewALL” with the support of the European Union’s Environmental and Climate Program LIFE. The goal is to attract more than 22 million EUR in investments for the renovation of multi-apartment buildings.


The aim of the project is to introduce a building renovation model by utilizing the possibilities provided by Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) at the quarter level, thereby promoting the in-depth renovation of buildings in Riga. Simultaneously with quarter renovations, there are plans to enhance quarter infrastructure, considering improvements such as inner courtyard enhancements, streets, pedestrian and cycling paths, parking lots, electric vehicle charging stations, public lighting, children’s playgrounds, and waste disposal facility placement.


The goal of the “RenewALL” project is not only to promote the renovation of multi-apartment buildings and quarters but to do so by providing apartment owners with long-term energy efficiency guarantees. The concept of renovating multi-apartment buildings with energy efficiency guarantees is not new in Latvia; it has already been implemented in more than 16 multi-apartment building projects in Valmiera, Cēsis, Sigulda, and Rīga. It entails the project developer guaranteeing a specified energy savings to apartment owners for 20 years or more. If owners decide, the project developer (ESCO) can also provide funding for building renovation. This means that apartment owners don’t need to take out a loan; the developer takes care of it, and renovation costs are included in the monthly building/apartment management bill. Meanwhile, the energy efficiency guarantee ensures that the heating energy consumption after the building renovation will indeed be as promised to apartment owners during the decision-making process.

Within the project, the renovation of multi-apartment building quarters is planned, concluding long-term EPC and anticipating that each renovation project will ensure at least a 50% energy savings compared to the existing situation in the buildings. It is envisioned that the total renovated building area will reach at least 60,000 m2, providing a primary energy savings of at least 6,600 MWh per year. Renewable electricity technologies, such as a solar photovoltaic system, will be integrated into the building renovations. Funding for building renovations is planned to exceed 22 million euros.


In this project, RNP will:

  • Provide accessible information about the technical condition of multi-apartment buildings and the potential energy savings parameters.
  • Conduct the selection and pre-feasibility study of potentially renovatable quarters to ensure their renovation, involving broad public and local community participation.
  • Engage the local community and residents in a dialogue to explain the project scope, decision-making process, resident responsibilities, and convince the owners of multi-apartment buildings in the same quarter to agree on the building renovation project(s).
  • In mutual collaboration with project partners, support and provide consultations to residents in the preparation of necessary documentation for renovation throughout the process to achieve long-term and sustainable results.
  • Maintain accessible information for residents about the progress of the renovation project and ensure all communication flows between residents and the partners involved in the project.


Implementation period of the project: September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2026.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s LIFE CET program in accordance with Grant Agreement No. 101120814. The funding amount for the project with EU fund financing is 1.4 million EUR.


To obtain more information about the project, please send an email to Laila Keisele, Director of the Strategic Development Department at RNP, at