Ensure customer-oriented, purposeful, efficient, and high-quality service provision, promoting improvements in energy efficiency, the environment, and public outdoor spaces.
Manage and maintain residential buildings owned and controlled by the municipality, along with their associated territories, as well as other residential buildings with their associated territories, thereby addressing market insufficiency.
Encourage resident involvement and cooperation in decision-making regarding co-owned properties and securing funding for their development.
Specific Non-Financial Goals:
Ensuring customer-oriented, purposeful, efficient, and high-quality residential building management services.
Promoting energy efficiency and environmental goals in residential building maintenance.
Encouraging resident involvement in the management and maintenance of residential buildings.
Raising customer awareness about social assistance opportunities.
Developing the professional competence of employees.
Strengthening capacity in the field of research and development, including participation in smart city solutions and innovation ecosystem projects, as well as cooperating with the Riga city municipality in the development, implementation of centralized IT solutions, and provision of open data.